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Dataset “Humanization of economic growth in the global economy: Big Data and digital modeling – 2024”

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The problem of humanization of economic growth through achievement of the balance of social and economic, public and private interests has been present during the whole history of industrial revolutions. In the 20 th century, in the period of initial industrialization and prosperity of industry, the set problem was solved in some countries (USSR, Germany, France, Italy, and Cuba) by building socialism with a perspective of transition to communism, and in other countries (UK and USA) – by building capitalism and imperialism.

As the practical experience of implementation of the both historical models of humanization of economic growth showed, they are not very effective and the priorities that they proclaim cannot be achieved in practice. Later practices of solving the formulated problem, which envisage combination of the historical models, showed their effectiveness – but they are not universal and could be applied only in a strict context. For example, the Chinese model of communist market economy is based on a unique social mode and traditional culture. It could be implemented only on China, and its copying and dissemination in other countries might not ensure humanization of economic growth, and might even lead to socio-economic crises.

In the 21 st century, the start of the Fourth industrial revolution, which marked the transition to the digital technological mode (Industry 4.0) announced a new age of domination of industry. Neo-industrialization based on breakthrough technologies and “smart” management is rather dangerous for humanity, as it opens expanded opportunities for flexible setting of the parameters of industrial production. If the target goals for “smart” companies are commercial interests (profit, profitability, and efficiency) without consideration of public interests (support for employment, realization of human potential, and rational nature use), this might cause a social crisis, as quality of life and living standards of the population will decrease to a critically low level.

The “market gap” during humanization of economic growth in the conditions of the digital economy is to be overcome by the state. For this, Sustainable Development Goals have been adopted, and the corresponding national initiatives are implemented. In the modern economic conditions and the near future, the problem of humanization of economic growth will be solved based on formation of the social market economy, in which the balance of interests of economy's development and social progress is achieved. Though a concept of the social market economy has been actively developing in recent years, this process is slowed down by underdevelopment of the empirical basis.

At present, certain social indicators of economy within large-scale reports are available: “The Global Competitiveness Report” of the World Economic Forum and “Human Development Report” of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), or thematic studies of humanization of economic growth for a narrow list of countries. An example is “Sustainable Governance Indicators”, calculated by Bertelsmann Stiftung, which reflect the effectiveness of state management, quality of democracy, and other social characteristics of economy in the OECD and EU countries. Here it is also necessary to note “Social Justice in the EU and OECD Index Report 2019”, prepared by Thorsten Hellmann, Pia Schmidt, and Sascha Matthias Heller – experts of Bertelsmann Stiffung.

For the purpose of creation of a reliable empirical basis, which would allow for global scientific studies on the topic of humanization of economic growth, the Institute of Scientific Communications has developed a dataset which contains the most relevant indictors on this topics, which are available for most countries. The dataset contains the most up-to-date values of the indicators for 2020, which could be used for R&D on the topic of humanization of economic growth. The dataset is an interactive digital data base, which could be processed with the help of intellectual analytics based on Dig Data technologies and could be used for digital modeling of the process of humanization of economic growth in the modern national and global economies.

The dataset contains the following indicators of humanization of economic growth (the higher the indicators' values, the better – unless stated otherwise):

1. Humanization of state regulation of economy:

•  Liberality of economy. The original title of this indicator is “checks and balances”. It is calculated by the World Economic Forum within “The Global Competitiveness Report 2019” and reflects the transparency of state budget, independence of judicial system, effectiveness of the legal base in complex normative acts, and freedom of speech and press;

•  Efficiency of regulation. The original title of this indicator is “public-sector performance”. It is calculated by the World Economic Forum within “The Global Competitiveness Report 2019” and reflects the burden of state regulation, effectiveness of the legal basis during resolution of economic disputes, and opportunities for online participation of population in state management (e-participation);

•  Transparency of regulation. The original title of this indicator is “transparency”. It is calculated by the World Economic Forum within “The Global Competitiveness Report 2019” and reflects the level of corruption and efficiency of measures on fighting corruption;

•  Protection of property rights. The original title of this indicator is “property rights”. It is calculated by the World Economic Forum within “The Global Competitiveness Report 2019” and reflects the general protection of property rights, quality of land administration, and protection of intellectual property rights;

•  Future orientation of regulation. The original title of this indicator is “future orientation of government”. It is calculated by the World Economic Forum within “The Global Competitiveness Report 2019” and reflects stability of state regulation, state's responsibility for the changes and before future generations, support for digital business, long-term vision (strategic orientation), energy efficiency, use of renewable energy, and environment protection;

•  Eco-efficiency index. The original title is “Environmental Performance Index”. It is calculated by Yale University and reflects the current state of the environment, eco-system's vitality, and efficiency of the activities on ecological situation improvement .

2. Favorability of social environment for realization of human potential:

•  Human potential. The original title is “skills of current workforce”. It is calculated by the World Economic Forum within “The Global Competitiveness Report 2019” and reflects the level of education and training of personnel, qualification of labor resources, and digital skills of population;

•  Inequality-adjusted Human Development Index. This indicator is calculated by the UN (UNDP) within “Human Development Report 2019” and reflects the level of social justice during education, employment, career building, payment for work, etc.;

•  Poverty headcount ratio at $3.20/ day. This indicator is calculated by the UNDP and is a part of the indicators of “Sustainable Development Report” for 2019, reflecting the share of population below the poverty threshold of $3.2 per day ( the lower the indicator's value, the better );

•  Index of economic freedom. This indicator is calculated by the Heritage Foundation and is a part of the report “Country Rankings of Economic Freedom” for 2020, reflecting supremacy of law, level of bureaucratization of state management, effectiveness of regulation, and openness of markets ;

•  Prosperity index. This indicator is calculated by Legatum Institute Foundation and is a part of the report “ The Legatum Prosperity Index ™ 2019: Creating the Pathways from Poverty to Prosperity ” , reflecting achievements of countries from the point of view of their well-being and prosperity ;

•  Labor efficiency. The original title of this indicator is “GDP per hour worked”. It is calculated by the OECD and shows the cost of products manufactured by 1 worker per 1 hour of work;

•  GDP (PPP) per capita . The original title of this indicator is “Gross domestic product based on purchasing-power-parity per capita GDP, current international dollar”. It is calculated by the IMF within “World Economic Outlook Database” and shows purchasing power parity (PPP) value of all final goods and services produced within a country in a given year, divided by the average (or mid-year) population for the same year .

Advantages of the dataset of the Institute of Scientific Communications :

•  Consistency and authenticity: collection and systematization of the main statistical data in the data set, as well as their analysis with application of the proprietary methodology of calculation of the index of humanization of economic growth , which allows determining the potential of creation of social market economy in different countries and performing international comparisons;

•  Topicality and representativeness: the dataset contains the latest data, which form the basis of empirical studies in 2020;

•  Reliability and objectivity: the dataset contains the statistics of the respectable sources of statistical and expert & analytical data on the topic of social entrepreneurship – the World Economic Forum, the United Nations (UNDP), the International Monetary Fund, and the OECD ;

•  Informative value: the dataset presents the current international statistics in the Russian language;

•  Clarity of the structure: in order to make the work with the dataset simple, quick, and convenient for users, it consists of thematic parts;

•  Templates: the dataset offers two templates of data: countries of G7 (developed) and countries of BRICS (developing), countries of the CIS, countries of the EAEU, geographical templates of regions of the world – which allows for quick selection of the necessary data for economic experiments aimed at comparing countries of the main categories, in real-time mode;

•  Import of data: the dataset allows selecting the necessary information and importing it in Microsoft Excel for further analytics;

•  Interactivity: the dataset allows sorting and combining various data, unifying them in the general data array in the way that is required by each user, as well as building digital models of humanization of economic growth in different countries;

•  Ranking: the data has been used for compiling a ranking of humanization of economic growth in different countries in 2020;

•  Blockchain principle: firstly, the data are structured logically according to the blockchain principle; secondly, the dataset allows sharing, changing, and processing information as per users' queries'; the initial data remain unchanged, which is very convenient and secure.

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Dataset “Big Data of the Modern Global Economy: Digital Platform for Data Mining – 2022”

The dataset contains indicators for the most relevant lines of economic research: industry 4.0, knowledge economy, economic growth and sustainable development. The values of indicators in the countries of the world for 2019 - 2022. The dataset generates Big Data of the modern global economy and constitutes a digital platform for data mining. Author of the dataset: doctor of economics, professor E.G. Popkova

DataSet “Interactive Statistics and Intelligent Analytics of the Balanced State of the Regional Economy of Russia in Terms of Big Data and Blockchain – 2020”

The dataset contains statistics on the topic of balancing the Russian regional economy for 2005-2019 and forecast for 2020-2024. It reflects the level and potential of the socio-economic development of Russian regions, presents their “funnel of backwardness” calculated according to the author’s method of doctor of economics, professor E.G. Popkova. The matrix “TRMS” and the rating of socio-economic development of the regions are compiled. An interactive map of the regions and federal districts of Russia is presented, it is possible to automatically build blockchain polygons of their socio-economic development. Author of the data set: doctor of economics, professor E.G. Popkova

Dataset “Social Entrepreneurship in the World Economy: a Path from Virtual Scores to Big Data – 2020”

The dataset contains statistics on the topic of the socially responsible business and its evaluation using a specifically developed index. The values ​​of indicators of social responsibility of the business and indicators of non-profit activities of the business in 2020 have been presented. A rating of the socially responsible business in the countries of the world in 2020 has been compiled. The dataset allows creating and visualizing interactive profiles of countries all over the world based on the level of development of the socially responsible business. Authors of the dataset: Doctor of Economics, Professor Elena G., Doctor of Economics, Professor Bruno S. Sergi.

DataSet “Epidemics and Pandemics: Big Data for the Scientific Analytics of the Dynamics of Infectious Diseases throughout the World and their Consequences”

The dataset integrates all relevant statistics on the topic of infectious diseases and their consequences. It gives consideration to the temporal dynamics of exacerbation of all infectious diseases distinguished by the World Health Organization throughout the world (from earlier than 1960 till 2020), as well as key indicators of the global economy based on data from the World Bank (for 1960-2018) and the International Monetary Fund (forecasts for 2019-2020). Firstly, the ordered data on the topic of infectious diseases in the world are presented, secondly, countrywide statistics on the incidence rate of infections that are most relevant today, and thirdly, statistics on the key indicators of the economy and health care, statistics on the key indicators of the potential economic impact of epidemics and pandemics, as well as countrywide and worldwide statistics on preparedness for epidemics and pandemics. COVID- 2019 incidence patterns have been made for various countries of the world. The opportunity was provided to automatically create and visualize virtual profiles of countries against the background of the COVID-2019 pandemic in 2020 The ranking of countries against the background of the COVID-2019 pandemic in 2020 was made;The part of the reported study written by Agnessa O. Inshakova was performed by a grant from the Russian Science Foundation (Grant No. 20-18-00314). Author of the dataset: doctor of economics, professor E.G. Popkova

Data set “Corporate social responsibility, sustainable development, and fighting climate change: imitation modeling and neural network analysis in regions of the world – 2022”

The dataset contains the indicators on the implemented practices of corporate social responsibility, sustainable development, and fighting climate changes (2020). The index of corporate fight against climate change is provided. The models of categories of countries by the criterion of sustainable development and fighting climate change are presented. A sustainable development ranking and fighting climate changes ranking are compiled based on corporate social and ecological responsibility in countries of the world in 2020 The cognitive map shows the results of imitation modeling and neural network analysis of the ratio of regulatory and market factors in provision of corporate and ecological responsibility, achievement of sustainable development, and fighting climate changes in geographical regions of the world in 2020 The data has been developed at the Chair “Economic policy and public-private partnership” of Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO). Authors of the dataset: Elena B. Zavyalova (Ph.D., associate professor, head of the Chair), Tatyana G. Krotova (expert of the Center for Applied Research), and Elena G. Popkova (professor, doctor of economics, leading researcher of the Center for Applied Research).

Dataset “Humanization of economic growth in the global economy: Big Data and digital modeling – 2024”

The data set was developed by Elena G. Popkova, D.Sc. Economics, Professor, President of the Institute of Scientific Communications and by Natalya N. Chubaeva, post-graduate student of MGIMO University

Dataset “Big Data for digital monitoring of biodiversity, agriculture and food security – 2020”

The dataset includes biodiversity indicators from the perspective of conservation of terrestrial ecosystems and marine ecosystems based on the data from the UN for 2015-2019, agriculture based on the data from the World Bank for 2017- 2018, and food security based on the data from The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited for 2019 The proprietary methodology was used to classify and make the models of countries according to the criterion of conservation of biodiversity, agricultural development, and food security; in addition, the wealth index of the animal and plant world was calculated, and the ranking of countries of the world was made according to the value of this index in 2020 The dataset makes it possible to carry out digital monitoring of biodiversity, agriculture and food security across the world with automatic construction of graphs. Author of the dataset: Doctor of Economics, Professor Elena G. Popkova.

Dataset “COVID-19 and the 2020 Crisis: Healthcare System Capabilities and Ramifications for the Economy and Business all Over the World”

The dataset includes the indicators of the COVID-19 pandemic according to the World Health Organization and the World Health Map, measures to control the COVID-19 virus threat, as well as ramifications of the COVID-19 crisis for the economy and business according to Statista. All the data are up- to-date as of the second trimester of 2020 The proprietary methodology has been used to classify and create country profiles according to the criterion of susceptibility to the COVID-19 crisis, the COVID-19 crisis index has been calculated, and the global ranking of countries across the world from the perspective of their situation in the context of the COVID-19 crisis. The dataset provides an opportunity to perform automatic ranking according to the criterion of activity in terms of measures taken to control COVID-19 in countries across the world, as well as to visualize the results in the form of a polygon of factors of elimination of the pandemic. Author: Prof. Elena G. Popkova.

Public repository for datasets

Data set of tension of the global oil market under the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 Update 10.10.2020 Download file Data set of fluctuation of currency markets during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 Update 12.10.2020 Download file Dataset on Development of IT Companies in Russia Amid the COVID-19 Crisis Update 14.10.2020 Download file