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Dataset “Big Data of the Modern Global Economy: Digital Platform for Data Mining – 2022”

The dataset contains indicators for the most relevant lines of economic research: industry 4.0, knowledge economy, economic growth and sustainable development. The values of indicators in the countries of the world for 2019 - 2022. The dataset generates Big Data of the modern global economy and constitutes a digital platform for data mining. Author of the dataset: doctor of economics, professor E.G. Popkova

DataSet “Interactive Statistics and Intelligent Analytics of the Balanced State of the Regional Economy of Russia in Terms of Big Data and Blockchain – 2020”

The dataset contains statistics on the topic of balancing the Russian regional economy for 2005-2019 and forecast for 2020-2024. It reflects the level and potential of the socio-economic development of Russian regions, presents their “funnel of backwardness” calculated according to the author’s method of doctor of economics, professor E.G. Popkova. The matrix “TRMS” and the rating of socio-economic development of the regions are compiled. An interactive map of the regions and federal districts of Russia is presented, it is possible to automatically build blockchain polygons of their socio-economic development. Author of the data set: doctor of economics, professor E.G. Popkova

Dataset “Social Entrepreneurship in the World Economy: a Path from Virtual Scores to Big Data – 2020”

The dataset contains statistics on the topic of the socially responsible business and its evaluation using a specifically developed index. The values ​​of indicators of social responsibility of the business and indicators of non-profit activities of the business in 2020 have been presented. A rating of the socially responsible business in the countries of the world in 2020 has been compiled. The dataset allows creating and visualizing interactive profiles of countries all over the world based on the level of development of the socially responsible business. Authors of the dataset: Doctor of Economics, Professor Elena G., Doctor of Economics, Professor Bruno S. Sergi.

DataSet “Epidemics and Pandemics: Big Data for the Scientific Analytics of the Dynamics of Infectious Diseases throughout the World and their Consequences”

The dataset integrates all relevant statistics on the topic of infectious diseases and their consequences. It gives consideration to the temporal dynamics of exacerbation of all infectious diseases distinguished by the World Health Organization throughout the world (from earlier than 1960 till 2020), as well as key indicators of the global economy based on data from the World Bank (for 1960-2018) and the International Monetary Fund (forecasts for 2019-2020). Firstly, the ordered data on the topic of infectious diseases in the world are presented, secondly, countrywide statistics on the incidence rate of infections that are most relevant today, and thirdly, statistics on the key indicators of the economy and health care, statistics on the key indicators of the potential economic impact of epidemics and pandemics, as well as countrywide and worldwide statistics on preparedness for epidemics and pandemics. COVID- 2019 incidence patterns have been made for various countries of the world. The opportunity was provided to automatically create and visualize virtual profiles of countries against the background of the COVID-2019 pandemic in 2020 The ranking of countries against the background of the COVID-2019 pandemic in 2020 was made;The part of the reported study written by Agnessa O. Inshakova was performed by a grant from the Russian Science Foundation (Grant No. 20-18-00314). Author of the dataset: doctor of economics, professor E.G. Popkova

Data set “Corporate social responsibility, sustainable development, and fighting climate change: imitation modeling and neural network analysis in regions of the world – 2022”

The dataset contains the indicators on the implemented practices of corporate social responsibility, sustainable development, and fighting climate changes (2020). The index of corporate fight against climate change is provided. The models of categories of countries by the criterion of sustainable development and fighting climate change are presented. A sustainable development ranking and fighting climate changes ranking are compiled based on corporate social and ecological responsibility in countries of the world in 2020 The cognitive map shows the results of imitation modeling and neural network analysis of the ratio of regulatory and market factors in provision of corporate and ecological responsibility, achievement of sustainable development, and fighting climate changes in geographical regions of the world in 2020 The data has been developed at the Chair “Economic policy and public-private partnership” of Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO). Authors of the dataset: Elena B. Zavyalova (Ph.D., associate professor, head of the Chair), Tatyana G. Krotova (expert of the Center for Applied Research), and Elena G. Popkova (professor, doctor of economics, leading researcher of the Center for Applied Research).

Dataset “Humanization of economic growth in the global economy: Big Data and digital modeling – 2024”

The data set was developed by Elena G. Popkova, D.Sc. Economics, Professor, President of the Institute of Scientific Communications and by Natalya N. Chubaeva, post-graduate student of MGIMO University

Dataset “Big Data for digital monitoring of biodiversity, agriculture and food security – 2020”

The dataset includes biodiversity indicators from the perspective of conservation of terrestrial ecosystems and marine ecosystems based on the data from the UN for 2015-2019, agriculture based on the data from the World Bank for 2017- 2018, and food security based on the data from The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited for 2019 The proprietary methodology was used to classify and make the models of countries according to the criterion of conservation of biodiversity, agricultural development, and food security; in addition, the wealth index of the animal and plant world was calculated, and the ranking of countries of the world was made according to the value of this index in 2020 The dataset makes it possible to carry out digital monitoring of biodiversity, agriculture and food security across the world with automatic construction of graphs. Author of the dataset: Doctor of Economics, Professor Elena G. Popkova.

Dataset “COVID-19 and the 2020 Crisis: Healthcare System Capabilities and Ramifications for the Economy and Business all Over the World”

The dataset includes the indicators of the COVID-19 pandemic according to the World Health Organization and the World Health Map, measures to control the COVID-19 virus threat, as well as ramifications of the COVID-19 crisis for the economy and business according to Statista. All the data are up- to-date as of the second trimester of 2020 The proprietary methodology has been used to classify and create country profiles according to the criterion of susceptibility to the COVID-19 crisis, the COVID-19 crisis index has been calculated, and the global ranking of countries across the world from the perspective of their situation in the context of the COVID-19 crisis. The dataset provides an opportunity to perform automatic ranking according to the criterion of activity in terms of measures taken to control COVID-19 in countries across the world, as well as to visualize the results in the form of a polygon of factors of elimination of the pandemic. Author: Prof. Elena G. Popkova.

Public repository for datasets

Data set of tension of the global oil market under the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 Update 10.10.2020 Download file Data set of fluctuation of currency markets during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 Update 12.10.2020 Download file Dataset on Development of IT Companies in Russia Amid the COVID-19 Crisis Update 14.10.2020 Download file