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Dataset “Big Data for digital monitoring of biodiversity, agriculture and food security – 2020”

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By criterion "By the criterion of the level of socio-economic development and integration"

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Imported biodiversity threats (per million population). It represents the number of endangered species due to international trade (import) (a lower indicator value is better).

Red List Index of species survival (0–1) . It represents the change in the overall risk of extinction among groups of species, which is based on real changes in the number of species in each category of endangered species, from Red Data Book.

Ocean Health Index Goal – Clean Waters (0–100) . It represents water purity, showing the extent to which sea waters within national jurisdiction were contaminated with chemicals and excessive amount of nutrients (eutrophication), pathogenic microorganisms or utility waste (a lower indicator value is better).

Permanent Deforestation (5 year average annual %). It represents the average annual percentage of permanent deforestation. Permanent deforestation is classified as removal of crown cover due to urbanization, commodity production and operation of certain types of small-scale agriculture, excluding the temporary loss of forest due to forestry or forest fires (a lower indicator value is better).

Fish caught by trawling (%) . It represents the share of total amount of fish (in tons) captured by trawling – this is a fishing method, at which industrial fishing vessels drag large nets (trawls) along the seabed, which poses a major threat to biodiversity (a lower indicator value is better).

Mean area that is protected in freshwater sites important to biodiversity (%) . It represents the average percentage of area of the key fresh-water areas of biodiversity (areas that are important for global conservation of biodiversity), which are protected by the State.

Mean area that is protected in marine sites important to biodiversity (%) . It represents the average percentage of area of key sea (on-shore) areas of biodiversity (areas that are important for global conservation of biodiversity), which are protected by the State.

Mean area that is protected in terrestrial sites important to biodiversity (%) . It represents the average percentage of area of terrestrial (on-shore) areas of biodiversity (areas that are important for global conservation of biodiversity), which are protected by the State.

Percentage of fish stocks overexploited or collapsed by EEZ (%) . It represents the share of total amount of fish captured in the country in its exclusive economic zone, which consists of fish that were overexploited or collapsed, weighted by the quality of data on fish capture (a lower indicator value is better).

Land under cereal production (hectares) . It represents the area that was allocated for cultivation of cereals – total harvested acreage, although some countries report only of areas under crops. Cereals include wheat, rice, maize, barley, oat, rye, panic grass, sorgo, buckwheat and mixed grains. Production data for cereals refer to crops that are harvested for dry grain only. Cereals that are harvested for hay or for food, fodder or silage and those used for cattle grazing are excluded. Data for 2017 are presented.

Rural population (% of total population) . It represents the difference between the total population and the urban population. Data for 2018 are presented.

Agriculture, forestry, and fishery, value added (% of GDP) . It represents forestry, hunting and fishery, as well as cultivation of crops and livestock breeding. Added value is a net product of the sector after the summation of all results and deduction of intermediate incoming materials and raw material. It is calculated without considering deductions for depreciation of finished assets or depletion and degradation of natural resources. Data for 2018 are presented.

Cereal yield (kg per hectare) . It represents grain harvest measured in kilograms per hectare of harvested acreage, and includes wheat, rice, maize, barley, oat, rye, panic grass, sorgo, buckwheat and mixed grains. Production data for cereals refer to crops that are harvested for dry grain only. Cereals that are harvested for hay or for food, fodder or silage and those used for cattle grazing are excluded. Data for 2017 are presented.

Food affordability . It represents financial backing of food security programs by the state, access to financing for farmers, as well as living standards of the population and affordability of food.

Food quality & safety . It represents food standards, accessibility of mineral nutrients (food value, health benefit) and safety of food products, including the possibility of their safe storage.

Food availability . It represents mean food availability, agricultural infrastructure, and loss of food, which determine affordability of food to great masses of population in quantitative terms (shortage risk).

Sustainability and Adaptation

Food Security Index (Overall score, Baseline index) . It represents the overall level of national food security with account of international comparisons.

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Digital monitoring of biodiversity, agriculture and food security

Biodiversity categories

1 - Countries with a rich world of animals and plants

2 - Countries with rich biodiversity, but food security in developed agriculture

3 - Countries with rich biodiversity but food insecurity due to underdeveloped agriculture

4 - Food Security Countries with Biodiversity Deficits

5 - Biodiversity Deficit Countries and Food Security Issues

0 - Country category not defined

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The data set is an original development and intellectual property of the Institute of Scientific Communications. All rights reserved. When using materials from the data set, please provide a link to it: https://www.archilab.online/en/data/dataset-biodiversity