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Federal districts

Просмотров: 2909

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* - Gross value added per capita at current (market) prices.

** - The year in which the closest value of GDP per capita was observed in the Russian Federation (standard).

*** - The difference between the current year and the corresponding year.

**** - The difference between the depths of the "Underdevelopment whirlpol" in the current year and its depth last year.

n/d - no data

Downloaded 53 times

Blockchain-polygon of the socio-economic situation of the federal district

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Turtles: lagging Federal Districts

Racers: Federal Districts with great development potential

Rockets: advanced and rapidly developing Federal Districts

Skydivers: slow-moving progressive Federal Districts

The data set is an original development and intellectual property of the Institute of Scientific Communications. All rights reserved. When using materials from the data set, please provide a link to it:

Institute of Scientific Communications (2020). Data Set “Interactive Statistics and Intelligent Analytics of the Balanced State of the Regional Economy of Russia in Terms of Big Data and Blockchain – 2020”. URL: http://datasets-isc.ru/en/data/date-set-on-the-regional-economy