Dataset “Humanization of economic growth in the global economy: Big Data and digital modeling – 2024”
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By criterion "By the criterion of the level of socio-economic development and integration"
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Future orientation of government, score 1-100 The original title of this indicator is “future orientation of government”. It is calculated by the World Economic Forum within “The Global Competitiveness Report 2019” and reflects stability of state regulation, state's responsibility for the changes and before future generations, support for digital business, long-term vision (strategic orientation), energy efficiency, use of renewable energy, and environment protection.
Rule of law, score 1-100
Political and operational stability, score 1-100
Tertiary enrolment, % gross
Property rights, score 1-100 The original title of this indicator is “property rights”. It is calculated by the World Economic Forum within “The Global Competitiveness Report 2019” and reflects the general protection of property rights, quality of land administration, and protection of intellectual property rights.
Global Green Economy Index, score 1-100 The original title is “Environmental Performance Index”. It is calculated by Yale University and reflects the current state of the environment, eco-system's vitality, and efficiency of the activities on ecological situation improvement .
Regulatory quality, score 1-100
Checks and balances, score 1-100 The original title of this indicator is “checks and balances”. It is calculated by the World Economic Forum within “The Global Competitiveness Report 2019” and reflects the transparency of state budget, independence of judicial system, effectiveness of the legal base in complex normative acts, and freedom of speech and press.
Tertiary inbound mobility, score 1-100
Public-sector performance, score 1-100 The original title of this indicator is “public-sector performance”. It is calculated by the World Economic Forum within “The Global Competitiveness Report 2019” and reflects the burden of state regulation, effectiveness of the legal basis during resolution of economic disputes, and opportunities for online participation of population in state management (e-participation).
Transparency, score 1-100 The original title of this indicator is “transparency”. It is calculated by the World Economic Forum within “The Global Competitiveness Report 2019” and reflects the level of corruption and efficiency of measures on fighting corruption.
Expenditure on education, % GDP
Government’s online service, score 1-100
E-participation, score 1-100
Government effectiveness, score 1-100
The original title of this indicator is “Gross domestic product based on purchasing-power-parity per capita GDP, current international dollar”. It is calculated by the IMF within “World Economic Outlook Database” and shows purchasing power parity (PPP) value of all final goods and services produced within a country in a given year, divided by the average (or mid-year) population for the same year .
Prosperity index, score 1-100 This indicator is calculated by Legatum Institute Foundation and is a part of the report “ The Legatum Prosperity Index ™ 2019: Creating the Pathways from Poverty to Prosperity ” , reflecting achievements of countries from the point of view of their well-being and prosperity .
Index of economic freedom, score 1-100 This indicator is calculated by the Heritage Foundation and is a part of the report “Country Rankings of Economic Freedom” for 2020, reflecting supremacy of law, level of bureaucratization of state management, effectiveness of regulation, and openness of markets .
Poverty headcount ratio at $3.20/day (% population) This indicator is calculated by the UNDP and is a part of the indicators of “Sustainable Development Report” for 2019, reflecting the share of population below the poverty threshold of $3.2 per day ( the lower the indicator's value, the better ).
The coefficient of inequality of people,% This indicator is calculated by the UN (UNDP) within “Human Development Report 2019” and reflects the level of social justice during education, employment, career building, payment for work, etc..
GDP per hour worked, US dollar The original title of this indicator is “GDP per hour worked”. It is calculated by the OECD and shows the cost of products manufactured by 1 worker per 1 hour of work.
Skills of current workforce, score 1-100 The original title is “skills of current workforce”. It is calculated by the World Economic Forum within “The Global Competitiveness Report 2019” and reflects the level of education and training of personnel, qualification of labor resources, and digital skills of population.
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Interactive Country Profile
(Agh) - Humanization of state regulation of the economy
EL - Checks and balances, score 1-100
RP - Public-sector performance, score 1-100
RT - Transparency, score 1-100
PR - Property rights, score 1-100
FO - Future orientation of government, score 1-100
EE - Environmental Performance Index, score 1-100
(Ahp) - Favorable social environment for the realization of human potential
HP - Skills of current workforce, score 1-100
HI - The coefficient of inequality of people,%
PK - Poverty headcount ratio at $3.20/day, % population
EF - Index of economic freedom, score 1-100
PP - Prosperity index, score 1-100
LP - GDP per hour worked, US dollar
GP - Gross domestic product based on purchasing-power-parity per capita GDP, current international dollar
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